Wil Wheaton is a 36 years old Actor from United States.
He was born in Burbank, California, USA, under the name Richard William Wheaton III.
Wil Wheaton's birthday is 29 July, 1972 & His star sign is Leo.
His height is 5' 11" (1.80 m).
His nickname is: Uncle Willie.
His list of relationships includes the names: Anne Prince.
He is married to Anne Wheaton since November 1999, They have 2 Children together.
Here are the 5 most rated projects Wil Wheaton appeared in: Grand Theft Auto IV (2008), Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004), "Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Best of Both Worlds: Part 1 (#3.26)" (1990), Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (2006), "Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Best of Both Worlds: Part 2 (#4.1)" (1990).
You voted these projects for His top 5: Stand by Me (1986), Star Trek: Nemesis (2002), Flubber (1997), The Last Starfighter (1984), The Secret of NIMH (1982).
Wil Wheaton won 2 award[s]: Best Actor for his role on Jane White Is Sick & Twisted in 2002, Young Artist Award for his role on "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1989,
He also had 4 award nominations, including: Young Artist Award, Jackie Coogan Award.
He was born in Burbank, California, USA, under the name Richard William Wheaton III.
Wil Wheaton's birthday is 29 July, 1972 & His star sign is Leo.
His height is 5' 11" (1.80 m).
His nickname is: Uncle Willie.
His list of relationships includes the names: Anne Prince.
He is married to Anne Wheaton since November 1999, They have 2 Children together.
Here are the 5 most rated projects Wil Wheaton appeared in: Grand Theft Auto IV (2008), Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004), "Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Best of Both Worlds: Part 1 (#3.26)" (1990), Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (2006), "Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Best of Both Worlds: Part 2 (#4.1)" (1990).
You voted these projects for His top 5: Stand by Me (1986), Star Trek: Nemesis (2002), Flubber (1997), The Last Starfighter (1984), The Secret of NIMH (1982).
Wil Wheaton won 2 award[s]: Best Actor for his role on Jane White Is Sick & Twisted in 2002, Young Artist Award for his role on "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1989,
He also had 4 award nominations, including: Young Artist Award, Jackie Coogan Award.

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