1. Hello Greg can you present yourself to the few that don't know you?
I'm Greg Mitchell, porn actor, singer adult entertainer, freelance writer and companion.
2. How have you started your career in porn movie?
I was asked to do some scenes for Pantheon Men, who flew me over to San Francisco. It was a great start. I was very lucky to work with them.
3. What reaction had your family and your friends when you decide to enter into the porn?
My mother, bless her, still doesn't know, but she's 88 and hasn't the faintest idea how to work a VCR, let alone anything slightly more up to date, so I doubt she'll find out. The rest of the family are cool about it, particularly my niece, who was delighted to find out that her uncle had such a colourful career.
4. What do you remember about your first movie?
It was actually a solo. Chris Roma, the director, thought he'd ease me in gently with a solo. I was a bit nervous at first, but soon got into it. Chris even obligingly removed his own clothes to help me get in the mood. The second was with a sexy young tattooed guy with a PA, which I absolutely loved. Got one myself now. There were more people around for this one, which I thought would make me feel more nervous, but actually I loved it. Brought out the exhibitionist in me.
5. Are you single or in a relationship? Can you describe your type man?
5. Are you single or in a relationship? Can you describe your type man?
I'm single at the moment. My ideal man is younger than me, dark and hairy, in fact rather like a certain young man who lives in Dubai. He knows who he is.
6. What are the most important things in a relationship for you? Honesty. If you can't be honest within a relationship, then what's the point. And a big cock of course ;-)
7. Which was your favorite partner that you have met on the set? and why?
6. What are the most important things in a relationship for you? Honesty. If you can't be honest within a relationship, then what's the point. And a big cock of course ;-)
7. Which was your favorite partner that you have met on the set? and why?
It would be invidious of me to say who, but with one of my partners we continued back at the place I was staying, we'd got on so well on set. Again he knows who he is.
8. Can you say me three strengths and three defects of you? Strengths? Honesty, loyalty, integrity. Weaknesses? I can be a bit short tempered sometimes. I can put off doing things I don't want to do (working on that one). I'm not very houseproud - hate housework.
9. What is the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning?
9. What is the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning?
Coffee!! :)
10. Which are your plans for the future?
I want to spend more time on my writing. I'm writing a book of short stories about my work as an escort. I also have my blog www.thegregmitchell.blogspot.com which covers a wide range of different topics. A bit of travelling on the cards too.
11. What is your favorite sexual position?
11. What is your favorite sexual position?
Probably fucking someone as they lie on their back, so I can look deep into their eyes at the same time as fucking them.
12. Dimensions are important to you?
12. Dimensions are important to you?
Not really, as long as they aren't too tiny. Shape is. I've seen some pretty ugly big ones!
13. Can you give us some sexual advices that you think are the most important to remember?
13. Can you give us some sexual advices that you think are the most important to remember?
HIV has not gone away, in fact it's on the increase. More and more guys seem to be ignoring safe sex advice, with inevitable consequences. I assume that everyone I have sex with is positive. That way I protect myself.
14. What can you say me about your “Porn Name”?
14. What can you say me about your “Porn Name”?
Greg Mitchell is the name of a character I played in Terence McNally's Love! Valor! Compassion!, the play I most enjoyed appearing in when I was still in the theatre.
15. Can you say something you want me to say about yourself and I did not ask?
15. Can you say something you want me to say about yourself and I did not ask?
You can see more about me at my website www.gregmitchell.co.uk Take a look.
I love you, Daddy Bear!