Thursday 12 January 2012


1. Hello can you present yourself to the few that don't know you?
Ciao my name is Ale, I am 47 yo,  I am italian but I live in Netherland

2. How have you started your career in porn movie?
I started just for a bet!!! I was in a club in Amsterdam playing in front a lot of people and I asked to myself: why dont try to make a porn movie? and a friend of mine told me that I was too old.... so we bet.... and I won!!!
3. What reaction had your family and your friends when you decide to enter into the porn?
My husband is very proud of it and my friends as well. 

4. What do you remember about your first movie?
I had a lot of fun because I met Jake Mitchell and we had a nice chemistry... so I forgot everything... camera, director, people around...
5. Are you single or in a relationship? Can you describe your type man?
I am married from 2008 but we live together since 1993!!! He is the love of my life, I have to say that I feel very lucky to meet him 18 years ago!

6. What are the most important things in a relationship for you?
 Easy answer just one word: RESPECT

7. Can you say me three strengths and three defects of you?
I am an open person, always happy, I always try to see the best part of the person, things. In Italy we say: I see the glass almost full!!!
Defects.... I dont have them!!! I am kidding! I am revengeful, I am willlful, and I am touchy.

8. What is the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning?
Another day in paradise!
9. Which are your plans for the future?
I cannot see me in this industry for long time even if I would like, I started too late... But I will try to stay as long as I can.

10. What is your favorite sexual position?
I am totally versatile
11. Can you give us some sexual advices that you think are the most important to remember?
there is no advice... just have fun in having sex, no barriers and no prejudices.
It is important to be free in sex.

12. Dimensions are important to you? 
If I say no I could be a liar... Dimensions are not so important but when you see a huge dick it is better... if it works porperly eh eh eh 
In my case I dont have a big dick... but it works very well!!!


  1. Beautiful Ale! Always sooo so nice and so sexy. You and Jake were amazing together. Good luck and hopefully some day we will work together!

    1. thanks a lot for your compliments M.
      I hope to work with you soon as well!!!
